Monday, February 07, 2011


"Estrella.. Run.. Estrella". A women shouts in urgent.
Her tiny little feet carries her as fast as they can.
Only she can't seems to understand.
"What is going on?". She questions herself yet keep running.
One hand firmly gripping her Rebenka doll she tries to find a hiding place.
She saw an empty barrel and quickly went inside.
"Oh dear! oh my! this is not right.. This is.." 
BANG!!.. A loud banging comes from behind.
She gasps in fear.
Quickly shutting her mouth with her tiny hands.
Sweat starts to pour down her fair smooth forehead. 
"Please don't let them get me! Please!". She silently pray.
Tud.. tud..tud.. The sound of footsteps on the dirt.
Slowly the sound of footsteps comes closer and closer.
Instantly she curl inwards,grip her Rebenka doll closer and shuts her eye.
"I know your here Esssttrrreeellllaaaa". says the man.
Panic creeps into her. To stress to think. She wants to run.  
She slowly opens her eyes and saw his shadow getting closer.
She can feel him, hear him breathing, she can sense that he is right behind her.
Sinking her face to her doll, she was still as a rock.
Swwwiiiffffffff.. sound of the barrel being turn.
"I've got you!!!". Says the man.
"AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR".Shouts Estrella with all her might as the man pull her out.
"Unhand me.. Unhand me this instance". demand Estrella.
"Hahahahahahaha.. You lose Young Miss,
 tought you would have picked a better place to hide". says the man.
"You didn't gave me much time now did you!!..
What with cook telling me to run before I can think!!". Scolded Estrella.
"A deals a deal Young Miss one game is enough. Its time for lunch now.". Says the man.
Obediently Estrella walk towards the mansion grumbling over the fact that she have lost.  


  1. yeay!! i'm the first follower! yeay!

    welcome aboard daphne, this is good stuff you have.

  2. carry on..carry on with the story pretty please...

    Estrella. nice!

  3. Hahahhaa~.. congratz edy in being my first follower.. XD..

    Still under consideration.. But I am heavily leaning on continuing.. Let time be the judge..

