Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sweet Sound Of An Instrument

Its been too long.
So long that my fingers hurt. The moment I have this sweet beautiful instrument,
I am in another world.
The wonders of it.
My fingers rebel on my desire to play more but this time melodies must escape.
Serenading me ever so faithful.

This very instrument that unites me with my brothers and father.
Playing it makes me feel like I'm home.
My brothers would be right outside of my room telling me the right chords
if ever I was wrong.
My dad would be telling me to strum softly for that is the correct way.
This instrument the sweet sound of it makes me feel secure.
Makes me feel like I'm home.
Wait for me dear family,
I will be back and will serenade all of you with this instrument.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

To Understand The Human Mind

It is interesting to see how human being react when criticize. 
Earlier today I have witness something that I have desperately wanted to understand.
I know that I am no one to judge who ever that it may concern but it triggers my curiosity.

Scene 1 :

You have been given a task by your teacher a few weeks back and you have been 
pouring your whole heart into it so that it may come out just almost perfect.
You went through every little detail made ; checking it and re-checking it for flaws.
Satisfied, you thought it will give that impact you desired.
Finally, its the day to present. You came in late and everything was out of hand.
You tried to explain to your teacher that the bus was late but your teacher
said he would not compensate anything. So, you ask for your 
teacher's mercy to gain his approval to show you your piece.
After going through it your teacher simply said you could have done better
 and was not satisfied with your piece.

Reaction 1 :  
Thank your teacher for his comments and make a mental note to be better next time.

Reaction 2 : 
With an angry expression half heartedly thank your teacher and the moment your
teacher turn his back you curse him and said you are better than your teacher.

Scene 2 :

A mother was lecturing her teenage daughter and sons why is it important
that they should study smart. While the mother was talking, her sons was
whispering and snickering to each other. The mother exploded and said her
sons should respect her while she was talking. It is not decent the mother
said to talk while someone was trying to tell you something that
is very important. It is vital to keep quiet and listen because they
may want to know the things their mother was trying to deliver.

Reaction 1 : 
Apologize and take it in a positive manner.

Reaction 2 : 
Make a face, ignore the mother and make a mental note to not to listen to the mother.

Different human beings have different reaction this I know.
What I don't understand is that why some human begins will directly take a
comment or remarks as a negative entity. 
Can't they see that these people are just trying to help and they actually
meant well and they are not trying to bring them down?
Some of them even hold a grudge.

To understand the human mind is a very hard business but I hope someday
I will find an answer that will compensate my curiosity.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Cry of Weakness

How can i betray myself yet once again.
To fall weakly and stumble into stupidity.
Is this what all i am capable of?

Why i have asked countless time am i so weak? 
Why can't i be strong like the others?
Is this what all i am capable of?

Little voice of mine,
Dear sweet little voice of mine,
Why can't you be louder?
Why can't you be bolder? 

Is this what all i am capable of?
Is this.. what all.. i am capable of?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Can This Be


How can this be? You guys guilty as charge!! How could you guys?!. Boldly have uttered from the very same lips that claimed and denied at the same time. How dare those words slithered out of both of you mouths.


I can't take this anymore! What is so wrong with just stopping there? Is it hard to swallow your egos?
Or do one of you have to show that one understands more than the other?
Why suffocate the love and friendship we build?
Just stop it already and get it over with!

Bravo to both of you.
Standing ovation. 
Showing the world that you guys can really act.

There you act as if you guys are fine with each other.
Here you guys bash about each other.
Is this what you call real friendship? 
If this is than I would rather be alone.


Friday, March 18, 2011

A Funny Song

At First when Sensei (teacher) said she wanted to share a song with us I half expect it to be one of those lame Japanese song. The moment Sensei told us the Tittle I was like Guess I am right after all but right before I ended my assumption Sensei told us to try to understand the lyrics as it is meaningful.

Who would have thought that a song entittle "Okina Furu Dokei" (Old Big Clock) by Hairai Ken would actually bring so much meaning.

The chorus goes like this :

Hyakunen yasumazuni                      (One hundred years without stopping)
Chiku-taku chiku-taku                     (tick tock tick tock)
Ojiisan to ishhoni                             (Together with my grandfather)
Chiku-taku chiku-taku                     (tick tock tick tock)
Ima wa mou ugokanai sono tokei    (Now the clock is not running anymore)

Some people may not get the meaning of this but those who get it congratulations. This song amazingly made the Gents in my class sing. It was funny but I like it. The fact that this song turns out to be somehow interesting and cool  made me feel ashame of myself, reminded me once again never to judge anything before it happen.

Domo Arigato ne Sensei. (Thank you teacher)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Take It As It Is

So, It happen,
Do I care?
I take it as it is.

So, It happen,
Am I sad?
I am happy as it is.

I learn to take everything as it is. If I cry it doesn't change anything. If I get upset as if it gives more satisfaction. Even though some times I can't take something but in the end I know I can understand.
If I think only for my own benefit, if I think only what is good for me than what good is that to all the people around me. I can't lie and I won't lie, I am sad that we will no longer be together as before but I am also happy to welcome my new Family. So, it happen why should I dwell in this if I can just enjoy the here and now and gain the pleasure of enjoying the then and there. I am not strong, I am just trying to take it as it is.


Thursday, March 10, 2011



Little we have,
Little by little fading away.


We will still see each other,
We will still be friends.


Not the same as now.
Not the same as ever.


We Questioned this,
We asked now.


Presented with no clarification.
Presented with shock.

We are powerless
We are followers.


I will cherish,
I will hold dear,
I will embrace.

My ray of sun,
My silver lining,
I must not lose,
I must not surrender.

P/s : Though its hard but embrace it we must learn for as "He" said,  "sometimes changes are good."


Monday, March 07, 2011


Following the leader.. Simon says..
All a very interesting and fun games that we used to play during our childhood years.
We have grown and we have long forgotten those fun games.
Or have we?
Life ironically is playtime and is full with games.
You play it right you will be successful,
but when your not a good player than failure be yours.

One game that we time and time again play is the game of L.O.V. E
Simple rules but hard to win.
and harder still to end it.
Years of battle planning and buying armour and it ends with simple vows. 
Ironic. Sad. Happy.
Pick your choice.

Exhausting is it.
To play the game.
Especially if you play the game similar to following the leader.



Friday, March 04, 2011

Little Miss Sunshine (Perhaps)

She owns a warm smile and a confident walk.
She goes through her day happy as one can be,
Showing no worries no sadness,
"There goes little miss sunshine", people will say.
"No worries and no regrets thats her life".
Alas, so sad is her life within,
How cruel can a smile be,
Faking all that is not there,
Her life is like a painting,
It looks glorious and joyous,
But one must understand the true meaning within.

Will there be no one who will try to understand?
Will there be no one who can see the dark clouds above?

So tragic her life will be as people will still call her Little Miss Sunshine.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Pulling a Band Aid

Far will you be,
seldome will we meet,
Hurt will I be,
Seeing you leave.
Show will I not the emptyness I feel,
Happy will I be to see you free.

You no longer burden yourself with this weight you bare.
But the weight I bare is heavier than yours seeing your leave.

Like pulling a band aid will I do to set my self free of the loss and sadness I bare.

Dearest Friend,
Be safe.. Be happy..

Pray will I for the happiness you seek.