Friday, March 18, 2011

A Funny Song

At First when Sensei (teacher) said she wanted to share a song with us I half expect it to be one of those lame Japanese song. The moment Sensei told us the Tittle I was like Guess I am right after all but right before I ended my assumption Sensei told us to try to understand the lyrics as it is meaningful.

Who would have thought that a song entittle "Okina Furu Dokei" (Old Big Clock) by Hairai Ken would actually bring so much meaning.

The chorus goes like this :

Hyakunen yasumazuni                      (One hundred years without stopping)
Chiku-taku chiku-taku                     (tick tock tick tock)
Ojiisan to ishhoni                             (Together with my grandfather)
Chiku-taku chiku-taku                     (tick tock tick tock)
Ima wa mou ugokanai sono tokei    (Now the clock is not running anymore)

Some people may not get the meaning of this but those who get it congratulations. This song amazingly made the Gents in my class sing. It was funny but I like it. The fact that this song turns out to be somehow interesting and cool  made me feel ashame of myself, reminded me once again never to judge anything before it happen.

Domo Arigato ne Sensei. (Thank you teacher)

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