Monday, March 07, 2011


Following the leader.. Simon says..
All a very interesting and fun games that we used to play during our childhood years.
We have grown and we have long forgotten those fun games.
Or have we?
Life ironically is playtime and is full with games.
You play it right you will be successful,
but when your not a good player than failure be yours.

One game that we time and time again play is the game of L.O.V. E
Simple rules but hard to win.
and harder still to end it.
Years of battle planning and buying armour and it ends with simple vows. 
Ironic. Sad. Happy.
Pick your choice.

Exhausting is it.
To play the game.
Especially if you play the game similar to following the leader.




  1. ahaaa! bull's eye!

    sooooooo true!

  2. Yes, i know everyone already know but i just wana write it..

    I am very tired of playing games..
